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Subject: FLASH: repost: problem retrieving CGI from server/loopy swf loading
From: Olga
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 18:07:57 +0100

Sorry to be a pest, but I posted this Friday afternoon and still haven't
gotten a response... :(

I have a flash movie that interacts with CGI, sends/recieves variables,
works fine when I preview movie on my desktop.

When I view the movie live from the server, however, none of the CGI
interactions work. I read somewhere about a problem referencing CGI but I
can't find it in the tech notes and I can't remember what it is.

Anyone have a clue?

I have a nested MC that is created dynamically based on a number returned
from CGI. (If the # is 7, 7 MCs are created.)
Once created, that MC has certain fields loaded into it from the CGI as
well-- one of the fields is a URL for an external movie. (Load Movie,
"variableurl.swf", target="sometarget")

Flash doesn't seem to like this sequence of events-- it goes into a loop
where the browser displays:
loaded 1K of 70
loaded 1k of 70

..and it goes on.

Is there some known issue with loading an swf from an external http:// ...
or with loading swfs in simultaneously...? There is no loop on my movie
that would cause the Load action itself to loop, so I was wondering if there
are known bugs involving this.


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  RE: FLASH: repost: problem retrieving CG, Glen Rhodes
  Re: FLASH: repost: problem retrieving CG, -[dk]-

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