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Subject: Re: FLASH: ifuse.com needs critique
From: Olga
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 18:48:56 +0100

I only glossed through the site, but my two cents are--- the looping nav on
the front is distracting. If you need it to loop, can you eliminate the
text from each section (showing them only on rollover, not in the anim)
Personally, I try to read each line and am annoyed that it zips by through
fast... it's confusing because it presents either an irritating passive
experience or a semi-disguised interactive experience. The user has to
think a bit more before realizing it _is_ interactive, and the anim just
loops forever that way.

The text on ifuse tv is WAY too small. (I'm on 1024x768).

I *want* to click on the banners in the lower right. Right now clicking
yields up nothing. Same for the cool little animated squares under fuse

I like the esteelo layout, but there also might be a bit too anim in that...
slow down the ticker under today in fuse and maybe make it smaller? Right
now it competes with the subsections in esteelo and the article... it should
be more unassuming that that.

Overall I like it, my problems come in where the animations get too heavy--
a little distracting when there are 5 different points of focus on the page.
(Even for a gen-x. ;) ..speaking from experience, cuz I think I fall pretty
close to your target audience. :)


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