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Subject: Re: Flash Interfaces to Java
From: steven warren
Date: Sun, 1 Mar 1998 20:55:22 GMT

Nawww... it's not complete *or* ready for launch yet. We're still testing
on multiple browsers across platforms... and it's Friday. I'd call it beta
1 at this point. We're still on our staging server

We're testing here at maximum bandwidth and I shudder to think what the
experience might be over 28.8. I just want it to work with no crashes...
that's my first priority, then optimization for limited bandwidth.

The actual Flash files are very small including sound. The mainmenu.swf
document (menubar at the bottom of the page) is 26K including sound, and
the submenu.swf documents (at the right hand side) are between 6 and 22K
per file.

I think a lot of the slowness is due to Java, but if you have Flash
installed it should be relatively painless. Did you say (Dave) that you
have Flash installed, but it loads the Java anyway? I'll have to double
check that... on Monday.

BTW, the minimal implementation (No Javascript, No Applets, No Plug-ins)
will be available next week so that all may have a pleasant experience.
Unfortunately, I can test for Mac/PC and IE/Netscape with versions... but I
can't test for bandwidth or processor yet. I'd prefer to sniff the users
complete environment and give them an optimized experience, but that's not
possible yet... as far as I know.

Just for reference, our current client mostly caters to people that live on
T-1 lines, and our testing platforms reflect that. The next site I'm about
to build caters to a more consumer base, so old slow machines at slower
connections will be more of an issue then.

John? Can you point us to any sites that are using this method (developing
in Flash for Java export) that may be of interest in our bringing this
technology to a consumer platform? Anybody else have any references?

-steven warren

At 8:35 PM -0400 12/21/97, Dave Smith wrote:
>steven warren wrote:
>> It's up and running, and if the Java version proves to be stable across
>> platforms (keeping my fingers double crossed) we'll be using Flash a lot
>> more in the future for interface design. So far it's been great!
>> -steven warren
>Hiya Steven,
>Is this site complete? I had major probs on all links.
>Nothing worked. I have latest version of Flash Plug-in
>but it insisted on loading Java applets instead. very slooooow .
>Graphics were very nice What graphic proggys did you use?
>major over kill on loading animations and sounds. This is definelty a
>job for streaming vector animation(Flash). Thats alot of work in Java,
>but I always try to
>see from a "newbie" perspective. I left after about 10 minutes of
>clicking things that didnt work and uncomplete animation loads. I was
>Of course I dont know if they were linked yet.
>I hate to say it, But I would lighted up major on the applets and have a
>version and a "Flash" version of the site.
>IOW, give your viewers and option to view the Flashy eye candy or just
>info on your clients quality services.
>The system I loaded the site on was p133/ wintel /28.8 /I.E.30
>Which I still use to test my sites. This is still the lowly standard
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