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Subject: Re: FLASH: Need opinion
From: Rafael Faria
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 12:30:12 +0100

>As I said before your server does not have the proper mime type set so
>Netscape users will have unpleasant experiences with your site. Please
>correct first.
>Follows same but in portuguese :
>Jo�o :
>Para correcta visualiza��o de Flash deves acrescentar aos mime types
>definidos para o teu servidor o apropriado para o Flash. Enquanto n�o
>corrigires isto torna-se muito dif�cil a visualiza��o do movie flash por
>que usa o Netscape. Se precisares de ajuda neste aspecto envia-me um
>email directo.

Just added this inside the <EMBED> tag: TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"

in portuguese:

Apenas adicione TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" na tag <EMBED>

TopNet Servi�os e Sistemas LTDA. - http://www.topnet.com.br/
Rafael Faria - WebMaster & WebDesign - webmasterattopnet [dot] com [dot] br

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  FLASH: Need opinion, Jo�o Campos
  Re: FLASH: Need opinion, Nigel Randsley-Pena

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