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Subject: Re: FLASH: now...flash for the web
From: Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart Frog Media
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 07:10:11 GMT

At 08:29 AM 12/31/96 , you wrote:

>1. i would like the entire site to be flashed. i plan to use like a border
>around the entire site(the border graphic is 800 * 600 is this a good idea
>and what size should the movie be. at the moment i'm using 800 * 600, will
>the website resize depending on the users web site

Why not put the border inside the Flash and set the Flash to fill the
browser window (height and width = 100%)? Unless your border graphic is
tiled, you can't scale it the way you can scale Flash, so you'd be stuck
with a fixed size for the Flash as well.

>2. what is the average size(kb) for a flash website. because i've being
>using flash with vb, size wasn't really an issue.

If you want the movie to start without a long download and to stream
without hiccuping, allow yourself 2k of content per second (for the 50% or
so of web surfers who are still on 28.8k baud modems) and make sure it's
distributed evenly over the timeline. If unevenly distributed, make sure
the light stuff happens in the beginning of the movie, to give the rest
time to catch up with loading. Remember, Flash streams, so it's not a
matter of total file size, it's an issue of how much content needs to
stream per second in order to feed the movie.

>3. with the little flash i've experimented with, i couldn't make a large
>image fade in without staggering, is there a trick to this.

Yes -- get a faster playback machine :-). Flash puts heavy demands on the
playback machine if you try to animate a large area of the screen all at
once, especially if you use complex shapes and (ESPECIALLY) if you use
alpha tweens. The more pixels you redraw every frame, the more likely the
playback machine will bog down. It also is true that every tween requires
calculations during playback, so lots of complex tweens even in a small
area could bog things down.

Marc Hoffman

Poison Dart Frog Media: Specializing in Flash Animation and Digital Audio
Our latest Flash job is on display at <http://www.dartfrogmedia.com/rickfrnd>
See our Flash portfolio at <http://www.dartfrogmedia.com/portfolio>
(featured in Flash 3 Web Animation, by Ken Milburn)

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  RE: FLASH: now...flash for the web, Chris Thompson

  FLASH: now...flash for the web, Chris Thompson

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