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Subject: Re: FLASH: Loading into an HTML Frame
From: Brian
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 13:46:17 GMT

> Hello All,
> Well, here's what I have:
> I am using frames on my HTML page. I have a Navigation frame on the
left (in Flash) which tells the main frame (appropriately called MAIN) to
load up the chosen
> .html file into it. Everything seems to be ok in IE5. All heck breaks out
in Netscape Communicator 4.7. Is there a proper cross-browser 'fix' for
this? In my button's
> actionscript it goes something like this (the News button):
> On (Press)
> Get URL ("http://home.twcny.rr.com/empoc/news.html", window="main")
> End On
> Are there any changes I could make? String to Expression? etc..
> BTW, site is temporarily located at http://home.twcny.rr.com/empoc . I
guess you could give me a 'site-check' too. Is it too busy?

I have a question:
On my PIII w/ IE5 the green scroll box has only enough type in it that I
barely need to scroll down to see all of the last line...
Maybe I don't know what you're up to, but why do you need a scroll box if
you don't have huge amounts of type to scroll down through? Are you
expecting more to be put there?

OK, TWO questions... :-)

No, I don't consider it too busy, but there is a lot of blank black space at
the bottom of my browser window.

-Brian Matthews

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  FLASH:HELP Duplication Level!!, Charles Goran
  FLASH: Actionscript assistance required , Matt Coyne

  FLASH: Loading into an HTML Frame, Erich Miller

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