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Subject: RE: FLASH: MAYDAY!! Internal Search Engine Needed MAYDAY!!
From: Scott Jeppesen
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 17:09:06 GMT

Is the entire site flash? What kind of pages are you searching through?
Flash pages? Html pages? If you are searching HTML pages....
I would suggest using something like asp or php. I don't know how your
programming chops are but that is the way I would go.
If you are searching flash pages....
I don't actually know if that's possible unless the searchable text is
coming from a text file and/or database which would require some asp or php
knowledge anyways. Unless you want to buy Generator. But if you could do
that then you wouldn't be worrying about rent and car payments. =)


-----Original Message-----
From: owneratchinwag [dot] com [owneratchinwag [dot] com]On">mailto:owneratchinwag [dot] com]On Behalf Of
patrickfatbestweb [dot] net
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2000 8:43 AM
To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
Subject: FLASH: MAYDAY!! Internal Search Engine Needed MAYDAY!!


I have a wee bit of a perplexing problem. I'm at the beginning of building
a rather extensive
Flash site for a medical technology client. There is a LOT of text,
graphics, and misc. images
throughout the site. Well, AFTER I started construction, and AFTER we had
features and functionality, they hit me with a bomb last night.... they want
to be able to search
on the site for a specific key word (the classic text field with a "go"
button). I initially
responded that this was beyond the scope of the project at which point they
said that the
search button was a deal-breaker... include search capabilities or they take
the early
termination clause in the contract (can you say "rent is due" and "car
payment"?). So............

Anyway, while I've come up with SOME ideas, I figured I'd post to the Flash
Gods &
Goddesses (absolutely NO sarcasm intended) and see if you all can help me

Thanks in advance...


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  FLASH: MAYDAY!! Internal Search Engine N, patrickf

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