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Subject: Re: FLASH: MAYDAY!! Internal Search Engine Needed MAYDAY!!
From: Cheri Harder
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 20:04:12 GMT

Follow-up on the Pico site...looks like it spiders your entire site and
searches throught all of the html pages very nicely. However, the addition
of Flash format is brand new and not offered on the free version...but on
the $199 to $399 versions.

I would guess that these types of search engines are only going to point to
the correct movie, though, not to the particular frame...no way of them
knowing that...and sounds like Patrick's client wants specific frames of the

So, I think the only way to do this is to set up a table of information -
not an easy task for sure - to include the keyword, movie name, frame # for
each specific area they want to track. It would probably be best to set up
as an external database and communicate to Flash via ASP or such... but
there might be some convoluted way to do it within Flash. Like a movie clip
called "mcSearch" and consisting of frames labelled with the keyword,
actions in each of those would be to set up a list of movie/mc:frame for
that keyword. Sounds pretty tricky, tho.

Hmmmm....maybe you could have it all in an HTML page "Index", set up the
search to scan the HTML page, which would contain links to the appropriate
swf along with a variable containing the frame #, then the swf has a goto
variablename on its first frame.

Just some thoughts...

~~~~Cheri Harder~~~~~
charderatawsolution [dot] com
Advantage Web Solution

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  Re: FLASH: MAYDAY!! Internal Search Engi, Marc Pidoux
  FLASH: Dyanmic Masks, James De Jesus

  RE: FLASH: MAYDAY!! Internal Search Engi, daniel gray

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