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Subject: [Fwd: FLASH: The model agency thing]
From: David Gary
Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 20:54:38 +0100

>About the model agency gig,

>Please understand that we�re in the early stages of mapping how to do this, so we dont know if one person >will be hired temporarily for the job, or given a position within the Agency, or if a company will be given >the job as a project, or whatever.
>It is the whish of the Agency to see what you can make �on command�, so to speak.
>Test jobs or doing a small sample job is quite common, there is nothing suspicious with that and it will only >bring you closer to landing the deal. Sure, you�ll have to work without pay.

If a company isn't interested in paying money up front, then they're
usually not interested in a quality project that will serve its purpose.
150k project with no "throw" money? Hard to believe.

It sounds like your client not only needs Flash consulting, but also
consulting on how to contract freelance work. I offer those services for
a fair fee. This particular project might not even need Flash for a good

>but the amount of time that goes into this is your decision, and for an account of 150 K you will have to >pull some hair from your head. There is no way we�ll just phone you up and tell you �we saw your site, you�re >hired�. The bigger the money the harder we expect you to work. And at least in a small country like Norway, >150 000 dollars is alot of money. It�s twice the cash that our Prime Minister is getting paid.

150k for how much work? Just because you offer 150k, doesn't mean the
project would be beneficial to the
contractor or the client. This is another reason to question your

>I also admitted that I am not skilled enough myself to do a Flash site, nor a major html site for that >matter. The company that I work for has nothing to do with artwork, webdesign or Flash, we�re importing tools >for the electronics industry (screwdrivers, ESD products, chemicals) and I just happen to have an interest in >computers and were given the job of doing our website. I never claim to be a webdesigner or graphic artist. I >am using Flash to display static technical drawings so that visitors can zoom in on details. This is the >reason why I would like to hand the job over to someone talented.

Have your client contact me below. I pay 10% commission of gross on any
project by broker(you).

>Even if I wanted to rip off anybody, I wouldnt know how to. And I wouldnt even have time since I work for >another company, not the Agency. Also, dont you think that if I really tried to scam the list, I would have >created a fake Hotmail account, subbed to the list from there and made the offer from there, rather than >exposing my real-life account and name?

Not a question of Scam. It a question of credential.

>I have received more than 50 requests for more information from Flashers of the list, and I dont think they >are gullible, like somebody claimed they were. There is no reason to call this a scam, and if you are saying >I am attracting gullible peoeple and trying to exploit them, I�d say you owe them an apology!


>They can think for themselves and make a judgment, and to call them gullible or stupid is an offence. If you >think my offer is too good to be true, rest assure that it will not be given to the first person who display >something cool, this will be a long process and there is nothing �dream job of your life� about this.

Most of the flash developers on this list are not gullible. Its
important that we educate the ones who are.
I haven't read one offensive comment. This is business, not personal.

Glenn, have your client contact me below if they are interested in
getting professional flash work or consulting for compensation in
return. Again, you will receive a 10% cut of gross. If they are not
interested in paying for my work, do not bother.

Im emailing through the list because it seems you cannot handle the bulk
of requests through your private




-David Gary-
Interactive Media Producer/Designer
dgarystudiosatmpinet [dot] net (mailto:dgarystudiosatmpinet [dot] net)

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