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Subject: RE: FLASH: Flash making QuickTime--why so little support and development?
From: Damian Morton
Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 01:48:08 +0100

If only flah had multiple heirarchical timelines like flash does.... I might
even be tempted to work in QT only. As it is, QT only has one timeline, and
sprite layers, which dont benefit from the varieties of compression that the
rest of QT does.

In a few years, people will look back on QT as being way ahead of its time,
as with many Apple technologies.

Can we have QT in Flash ratehr than Flash in QT? That would be very very
nice thank you very much.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owneratchinwag [dot] com [owneratchinwag [dot] com]On">mailto:owneratchinwag [dot] com]On Behalf Of Phillip
> Kerman
> Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 3:16 PM
> To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
> Subject: FLASH: Flash making QuickTime--why so little support and
> development?
> The first time I saw the Flash layer in QuickTime I thought it was pretty
> cool... but that was a long time ago and to date, I've seen no significant
> documentation, support, or advancement for this feature. For example, you
> can only output Flash 3 files into QuickTime!
> In my opinion, other tools will be used instead of Flash because
> there's no
> action from Macromedia. On the one hand, if we all were using it
> more maybe
> MM would develop more support--on the other hand, we can't use it until
> there are more features.
> I remember at UCON99 some folks from the QuickTime team saying that Flash
> will (someday) be given access to some of the controls within a
> QuickTime 4
> file (via action scripting). Well, I've either missed it or something
> because I've seen nothing.
> Sorry to complain, but to turn this into a positive email let me ask this:
> Has anyone been doing cool stuff with Flash on QuickTime?
> Does anyone have stories to share about the use of LiveStage from
> http://www.totallyhip.com ?
> Other tools... like "Electrifier"?
> Please show and tell.
> Phillip
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  Re: FLASH: Flash making QuickTime--why s, Bryan Rieger

  FLASH: Flash making QuickTime--why so li, Phillip Kerman

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