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Subject: OT: RE: FLASH: flash play differences between win and mac
From: Joe Shoults
Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 15:37:53 +0100

Yes, I can disagree.
That's just the Darwinian way it is. There is no right or wrong. It's just
business. Place yourself in the position of these developers and look at
your bottom line; you have limited resources, and you have to make choices
on what is going to net you the best return on investment of those
resources. Sentimentalities and user complaints about OS equity have to be
put aside in favor of overall product feature advancements. Look at
Macromedia Authorware. AW started out as a MAC app. Then corporate America
went 95% PC. Why continue to develop AW for MAC? So they dropped AW
COMPLETELY from the MAC platform in version 5. It's not Macromedia's fault
that Apple let Microsoft run the market. Apple could have cut MS off at the
pass back in the 80's but chose not to do so.

Unless...are you suggesting that some government should step in to correct
for Apple's marketing and licensing mistakes of the past? Yeah maybe that
would work. Have the government step in. They always fix everything.
Maybe now, developers will have a zillion different platforms to develop
for, and product development cycles will slow down to a crawl. But BOY OH
BOY, we'll have all those platforms to choose from!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owneratchinwag [dot] com [owneratchinwag [dot] com]On">mailto:owneratchinwag [dot] com]On Behalf Of Mats
> Persson
> Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 9:57 AM
> To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
> Subject: Re: FLASH: flash play differences between win and mac
> London, Wednesday, May 3, 2000, at 7:02 am
> Matt,
> On one level I'm surprised to hear this, as the G4 processor
> IS much much
> more powerful than the PII, so the there should be no
> comparison between
> them really.
> OK, granted, the Mac OS 9 is NOT the world's best OS and has
> a lot more to
> be asked for in terms of speed and stability. (This is not a
> gripe at Apple,
> it's just my opinion) Look out for Mac OS X
> On a Second level, this raises an important question that is
> NOT addressed
> by all these wonderful software developers - like Macromedia,
> and which
> irritates the hell out of me.
> Because of M$ monopoly position in the OS market too many software
> developers build their apps on Windows and then do the
> minimum to port them
> over to the Mac OS, often resulting in slow buggy pieces of
> crap apps (do I
> dare to say Dreamweaver 2 !!??) that reinforces the myth of
> Windows being
> faster and better than the Mac OS. (All part of M$'s big
> plan, and devoutly
> followed by too many independent developers)
> SURELY, it must be in the interest of any developer to produce a good
> quality app that is truly platform independent and can be
> easily ported to
> all OS (Win, Mac OS (X), Linux, Be, etc ) platforms !?? JAVA anyone ??
> My question to JD and all Macromedia guys is:
> 1. Is Flash 4/5 just simple Mac ports of Win apps ???
> 2. Is this issue something you guys discuss and are concerned with ??
> I'm sorry if anyone feel that this posting is approaching the
> "Mac Fanatics
> United" standard spiels. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO !!
> I simply just get really angry (insert less diplomatic word)
> when I as a
> customer get supplied a second rate product just because of
> my choice of
> computing platform !!!
> When I have to pay the same (and often more) amount of money
> for a lower
> quality product something is FUNDAMENTALLY WRONG !!
> Is there anyone in this whole world (apart from Bill & Balmer) who is
> capable of disagreeing with the above statement ??
> Regards,
> Mats
> matsatimediatec [dot] co [dot] uk
> > From: "Matt Perkins" <hfazeatvnet [dot] net>
> > Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2000 21:09:19 -0400
> > Subject: FLASH: flash play differences between win and mac
> >
> > i've got a flash movie that i just made at school on a mac
> (a 300mzh g4 and
> > a 233mhz beige g3). i've got a pentium pro 200 that is over
> 3 years old at
> > home. this movie run WHOLE WHOLE WHOLE lot faster at home
> on my older
> > computer.
> > the file really isn't that complex, and this happens to all
> of the stuff in
> > my lab as well. the macs are running os9 and my pc is
> running win2000.
> > wtf is up with that? is flash for mac just that bad
> compared? i know that a
> > lot of people do flash development on pc's but should a g4 300 which
> > (according to all of the baised marketing hype) can crush a
> fast pentium 2?
> >
> > this is insane.
> > ::: Matt Perkins
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  Re: OT: RE: FLASH: flash play differen, Mats Persson
  Re: RE: FLASH: flash play differences be, Michael@BTW

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