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Subject: Re: FLASH: Is there a limit to soundfiles?
From: John Dowdell
Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 05:52:19 +0100

At 4:11 AM 5/3/0, Andreas Wallstrom wrote:
>Is there a limit to soundfiles? I have imported three aiff sound files
>that's around 15 Mb each, but I can only get one of them to play. The
>script is the same, but instead of the hearing the desired tune to play, I
>only hear silence. Whassup?

Hmm, if you can't blend 45 megabytes' worth of audio simultaneously, then
that might point to a difficulty in fitting them all into processing

Tip: Although there are numerical limits in Flash, they're much higher than
the practical limits. Even with the MP3 compression, 45M of source audio
would end up being larger than Flash's intended purpose, web delivery.
Things out in that range might work, might not, but it wouldn't be in the
known universe like web delivery would be.

(Shockwave has extended media control for larger files, more mediatypes,
dynamic switching, audio control... if you're actually getting into that
large space there, then something other than the small, fast Flash Player
may more closely fit your needs.)


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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