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Subject: FLASH: Flash4 : Set Property
From: Ed Harvey
Date: Fri, 5 May 2000 15:29:43 +0100

Can anyone tell me why the bfly2 MC will not follow the bfly MC, From the
following script?

On (Roll Over)
Start Drag ("/bfly")
Duplicate Movie Clip ("/bfly", "bfly2", 10)
Set Property ("bfly2", Alpha) = 50
Set Property ("bfly2", X Scale) = "50"
Set Property ("bfly2", Y Scale) = "50"
Set Variable: x = GetProperty ("/bfly", _x)
Set Variable: y = GetProperty ("/bfly", _y)
Set Property ("bfly2", X Position) = "x + 10"
Set Property ("bfly2", Y Position) = "y + 10"
End On


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  RE: FLASH: Flash4 : Set Property, Glen Rhodes

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