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Subject: Re: FLASH: Multiload .swf w/o Java?
From: Michael@BTW
Date: Fri, 5 May 2000 20:58:39 +0100

Trouble with pre-laoding an MC is that they don't stream in, so if you
pre-load a 100k MC, it will interupt the rest of anything your streaming in.
A better way, IMO, is to design the swfs to be loaded so they have empty
frames at the start with a stop action, then you can use load movie at an
appropriate place in your data stream, the loaded movie will begin to stream
in at its data rate, but won't show up until you tell target it to go to a
frame with content in it.

> Make the second SWF a
> movie clip with a Park frame at the beginning (a blank frame with a stop
> action). Put it in the first/main SWF's timeline. It won't show up since
> it's 'parked' in the first/blank frame. Then just Tell Target the MC on
> MouseEvent to make it do its thing.
> HTH,
> Randy
> f wrote:
>> howdy
>> I need to load a 109k .swf in to the my first .swf so that when one hits
>> the button the movie comes up immediately.

Michael Penney
Sharpener of the Cutting Edge

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  Re: FLASH: Multiload .swf w/o Java?, Randy Kato

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