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Subject: Re: FLASH: CD Rom production - Director is so bogus
From: Michael Greenberg
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 14:31:09 +0100

But xtras can be made cross platform especially authoring xtras which can be
done in dxrs or more commonly now dcrs. On the MOA (Macromedia Open
Architecture) side of the house, it is pretty robust as far as what can be done
via your fav C/C++ app (ie Code Warrior).

But I do agree with what you are saying Branden. Director executables are way
more complex as to what is complied inside of them.

One thing I never understood though is why MOA was never integrated into
Flash,but then again that is why swf is open source.

Guess I answered my own question on that one:) I guess I have just become
accustomed to the Xtra environments in MOA as they apply to Director and

Also to JD's prior point. Director and Flash are 2 totally different ball games
and I guess you need to use both programs in a regular basis to have a true
appreciation for what is under the hood. I don't mean this in a negative sense
whatsoever. I am just saying if you use both programs with regularity you will
have a true apreciation for what they do:)

Oh well...open source for swf still rocks:)


Branden Hall wrote:

> It would really not be possible because of how Director works...
> If you know a little bit about Director you know that it often uses
> external, compiled xtras, etc. to extend the capabilities. These files are
> not the same for both platforms, and dealing with all of the possibilities
> of how the files would have to be arranged, etc for both platforms are
> simply astronomical.
> -= Branden J. Hall
> -= Multimedia Developer/Instructor
> -= Fig Leaf Software - "We've got you covered!"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owneratchinwag [dot] com [owneratchinwag [dot] com]On">mailto:owneratchinwag [dot] com]On Behalf Of Chris
> Jester
> Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2000 8:20 PM
> To: 'flasheratchinwag [dot] com'
> Subject: RE: FLASH: CD Rom production - Director is so bogus
> I would agree this has become a problem here to. Why do we have to purchase
> two version just to get it Mac compatible. Heck Flash will publish Mac files
> why can't Director? Sorry if I seem like I am ranting.. Budget doesn't allow
> for both versions as well as a Mac to run it on.
> Chris Jester
> Flash Illustrator/Animator,
> Saltmine,
> > http://www.saltmine.com
> tel. (425) 454-2701, ext. 1840
> cel. (206) 697-1640
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jefferis [Jefferisatpathway [dot] net (mailto:Jefferisatpathway [dot] net)]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2000 5:06 PM
> To: Flash MailList
> Subject: FLASH: CD Rom production - Director is so bogus
> You need to buy Director for both Platforms to output it to CD ROM? That
> is so bogus.
> Do you have to do that for the web too?
> Every other program I use extensively outputs for dual platforms. IS
> this a scam? or what?
> Jeff
> >Yes, that is correct. Unless you are creating Shockwave files to be viewed
> >in a browser.
> >
> >The good news is Macromedia is giving customers a break if you purchase
> >Director 8 for both platforms. If you already have Director, maybe they
> >will give you an upgrade price.
> >
> >Rebecca
> Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
> Flash and Web Design
> http://www.PetersonSales.net
> Tel & Fax. 724-458-7169

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  RE: FLASH: CD Rom production - Director , Branden Hall

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