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Subject: Re: FLASH: How big is BIG?
From: Laura Mollett
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 18:05:57 +0100

Hi Dave,

> Just as a curiosity, how big can a streaming swf be to be practical. Say if
> I was to sync an mp3 audio stream to an animation what happens when you try
> to stream continuously say 5 minutes worth across the net? How does flash
> cache the stream on a users machine? Does it clean up after itself once
> displayed? I would be interested to hear from other flashers in regards to
> some file size's tried....

What happens depends on a thousand factors and ability to manipulate this to
get what you want is (imo, of course) probably the true determining factor
of a flash (web) expert... very definately one of the hardest things to
learn. (hey, I'm working on it ;) Flash displays whatever it can as soon as
it is available (rather than buffering some). If it's finished displaying
what's been given to it, and the next thing isn't available yet, it
pauses/just sits there until more is available. The trick is to put enough
light stuff in front that the heavier things are there and ready when the
light stuff is finished displaying... tricky parts are that it depends on
processor, modem speed, and server reliability (both yours and all the jumps
between yours and the receiver) as to how much light stuff is required. The
swf could be absolutely humongous in total size, and still display perfectly
even on slower modems if it's arranged right (in theory anyway). If you set
your sound to sync on stream, the movie will jump frames to keep up with the
sound, so the trick then would be to make the sound the right size to
download according to the modem/server speed (or to make sure you don't get
frames jumped that you don't want jumped), I think - I don't know that much
about sound.

As for flash cleaning up after itself, my best guesses are that it does
some. I think the plug-in calls the flash player, which has a limited size
that it'll display at once (set by hand on the mac, determined by total
available space on the pc (again, I think)). If you overload the flash
player, it'll just sit there partway through something. However, the player
must clear itself out some. For example, if you're loading a bunch of
movies, and play through several, suddenly the player memory will overload
and it won't play the whole thing. However, if you close the second movie
and reload it (without loading another one first), it will often go ahead
and play that one (even though everything else you've played is in the
cache) so it must be clearing it out of the player somehow. You can also
unload things that aren't needed anymore, and I guess it clears those out
somewhere (but I believe they're still in the browser cache.)

Dunno that this makes any sense... I'm kind of spacey when I'm trying to
talk on this list from work :) Anyways, my two cents... love to see what
others have to say. Interesting question!


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