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Subject: Re: FLASH: CD Rom production - Director is so bogus
From: Laura Mollett
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 00:36:38 +0100

Hi Phillip,

> Why hasn't this thread become a complaint that Director costs too much?
> After all, it's more than twice the cost of Flash? I'm really most surprised
> this hasn't turned into a thread about "which is better: Flash or Director?"

As you point out, they're better for different uses (although I have a
tendency to want to do things in Flash that would probably be better done in
Director, just because I have and know how to use one and not the other.)
Personally I think MMs prices are generally quite reasonable when
considering market standards. Flash is perfectly affordable for general web
developers. Director isn't a program for average web developers. I don't
really expect a program that does what director does to cost less (even
though I can't currently afford it, which is also some indication that I
don't currently need it ;) The generator license stuff may be a different
matter, but I gather from JDs posts that they're working on that.


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