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Subject: FLASH: Gettimer anyone???
From: MPL Christopher Jester
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 04:03:37 +0100

Hello everyone,
I have been working on the gettimer command using some ideas that Cheri has
given (Thanks Cheri) The problem I am having now is trying to clear the frame
count after it has been played back. What I am doing is I have a movie clip
that is initiated once the record button is pressed. From there people will be
able to choose different sounds to go along with the movie clip. Once the clip
has stopped the user can hit the playback button and it will replay the
animation with their sounds. Now at this point it will play through and record
once but if I try doing the whole process again I get the animation but no
sound. I need to reset the frame to the beginning. Does anyone know how this
process is done?


(-------Code for timer----)

Set Variable: "newtime" = gettimer
Set Variable: "elapsed" = (newtime-/:startplay)
Set Variable: "n" = 0
Loop While (n <= /:counter)
Set Variable: "whenthis" = eval("/:when"&n)
Set Variable: "next" = n+1
Set Variable: "whennext" = eval("/:when"&next)
If (elapsed > whenthis AND elapsed < whennext)
If (/:count <= /timer:n)
Set Variable: "/:count" = /:count+1
Begin Tell Target ("/Sounds")
Go to and Play (eval("/:sound" & /timer:n))
End Tell Target
End If
End If
Set Variable: "n" = n+1
End Loop

(------Code for playback button--------)

On (Release)
Begin Tell Target ("/Animation")
Go to and Play ("anima.start")
End Tell Target
End On
On (Release)
Set Variable: "startplay" = gettimer
Begin Tell Target ("timer")
Go to and Play (2)
End Tell Target
End On

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