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Subject: FLASH: ADMIN: 25% off World Animation Celebration, Hollywood CA [exclusive!]
From: List Owner
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 13:58:46 +0100

Afternoon/Morning everyone, just a quick posting to let you know that the
folks behind the World Animation Celebration http://www.wacfest.com are
offering members of the flasher mailing list a 25% discount. The festival
has an awesome line-up of speakers, exhibitors and events and looks like a
must-see for all Flash types.

See below for further details, website, email, etc. and don't forget to
tell them you heard it here. The offer is time limited so get your skates
on...and of course, have a good weekend.

** The World Animation Celebration **
May 30 June 4,2000
Hollywood, CA

The world's most powerful people in animation will join forces with the
most powerful people on the Internet at America's largest animation event!
Register today and save 25% off your total purchase!

There is a Feature Film Conference, a TV Conference, a Conference for
animation on the Internet, a Film Festival and a Market where animation
producers will pitch projects to Internet companies! This event is big so
you need to go to www.wacfest.com for a complete breakdown of every event!
Or Call 818-575-9615 or e-mail:Wacfestathotmail [dot] com

If you download a registration form and write on it that say you heard
about the event through "The Flasher List" you will receive a 25% discount
off your total registration fee! This offer expires Monday, May 22, 2000.


Toodle Pip


This message was sent by the Chinwag List Owner


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