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Subject: FLASH: improved square root
From: Damian Morton
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 23:43:16 +0100

Heres a way to speed up your square root calculations:

The algorithm given in the MM support site is an iterative refinement
algorithm. What this means is that it starts with an estimate of the square
root and refines it over a number of steps. This is the algorithm given on
the MM Site:

Label "SQRT"
Set Variable: "i" = "0"
Set Variable: "x" = "1" <----- this is the estimated square root that
we start with
Loop While (i < 20) <----- note the fixed number of refinement steps
Set Variable: "x" = x-((x*x-value)/(2*x))
Set Variable: "i" = i+1
End Loop
Set Variable: "sqrt" = x

In most cases, if you are using a square root, you will be doing it
repeatedly. That is, you will probably be measuring distances between
objects on every frame, or somesuch. Because of this, you can exploit what
is called frame-to-frame coherence to speed up your square roots. What this
means is that by storing the square root calculated at one place in one
frame, you have a pretty good estimate of what the square root will be at
that place in the next frame. Having a good estimate reduces the number of
times you have to refine your estimate, thus speeding things up. In the MM
example, the estimate is fixed at 1, but we can do better than that. Heres
the revised algorithm:

Label "SQRT"
Comment: SQRT (value, estimate) -> (sqrt)
Set Variable: "sqrt" = estimate
Set Variable: "err" = (sqrt*sqrt - value)/(2*sqrt)
Loop While (err*err > 0.01)
Set Variable: "sqrt" = sqrt - err
Set Variable: "err" = (sqrt*sqrt - value)/(2*sqrt)
End Loop
Set Variable: "sqrt" = sqrt - err

Ive found that for many applications involving simple physics, you can
reduce the number of iterations from 10 or 20 down to 2 or 3 by using this

Even if you cant supply a good estimate, this algorithm should be faster and
possibly more accurate than the MM supplied one becasue it stops when the
error term gets low enough, rather than continuing on blindly for N

Its a shame that MM didnt expose a decent maths library in Flash 4, and
instead forces us to use prehistoric optimisation technques to get our code
to function right. Im also curious how they made actionscript so damned
slow. I can only hope that Flash 5 will speed things up and expose a
plethora of fairly standard math and string functions, not to mention access
to all of the properties of an object.

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