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Subject: Re: FLASH: sound
From: Malte K�hrer
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 15:40:58 +0100

At 07:15 23.05.00 -0400, Carterspotataol [dot] com wrote:
>Interesting question: you are correct re sample rate -- it is how many
>digital 'pictures' are recorded per second (i.e., 44.1 kHz = 44,100
>samples/second). Bit rate gets a little more confusing in reference to the

The 44.1kHz/uncompressed is CD quality. That's about 150KByte/s while mp3's
are usually "traded" at 128Kbit/s. So that's a compression ration of 1:12
without really noticable quality losses.

>Bit depth (as traditionally referred to in the field of digital audio) refers
>to the 'quality' or size of each sample (see above). A 16 bit file indicates
>that regardless of sample rate, each individual sample is taken to the 16th
>bit (not really, but theoretically. Generally one bit is used for error

Bit depth is about how detailed the amplitude is.

A bit depth of 2 for example just allows 4 different amplitudes while a
depth of 3 allow 8 different ones. I find depths below 4bit seldom acceptable.

>You'll find that bit depth is perhaps the most crucial element of audio
>quality. The math is not hard to convert a sample rate (kHz) from 44.1 to
>22.05. You just toss out half the samples. Eliminating half the bits of each
>sample, however, produces horrendous results. You probably notice this when
>you use Flash to compress audio, bringing the bits down to 5, or even 4, from
>typical 16 bit (CD Quality) audio. Try it in Soundforge too -- what a
>difference a few bits make!

Handwork always gives better results then flash does.

>But what about bit rate? This really applies to streaming media, whether it
>be DVD MPEG, RealAudio, etc. It's a question of how many bits you can fit
>through the 'pipe' per second, which is why it is oft referred to in the time
>domain - kbps. How the decoder puts them together at the end of transmission,
>as well as the rate and number of bits sent, has a lot to do with the quality
>of reception.

Here the bitrate equals the sample rate. Just keep in mind that there're
still modem users out there and try to avoid streaming if the quality counts.

the flash resource

>In a message dated 5/22/00 1:24:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time, vpattransforma [dot] cl
> > Hello:
> >
> > If someone knows something about sound, plese, help me to clarify this
> > doubt
> >
> > What is the difference between sample rate and bit rate?
> > I know that sample rate is the frequency of sampling of the sound that
> > determines its quality (resolution) and defines in khz... bit rate
> > apparently defines in bits or kbps but i don't know what it determines.
> >
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  Re: FLASH: sound, Carterspot

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