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Subject: RE: FLASH: live sound mixing
From: Ian Chia
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 17:19:38 +0100


Point your clients to have a look at


This large Flash/Beatnik music site is sponsored by
BT (formerly British Telecom) and they don't have
any qualms about using both plugins together.

Check out their Music section where in their "Studio"
section, they have a link called "Remix this".

This is a cool twin turntable f4 mixer using the
Beatnik Player to sync multitrack audio. It records/plays
back and you can submit your mixes online also.

- Ian

> Date: 25 May 00 11:41:24 -0800
> From: patrickfatbestweb [dot] net
> Subject: re: RE: FLASH: live sound mixing
> Bottom line being that the user has to download the Beatnik player... unless I missed
> something along the way. Unfortunately, I'm having enough trouble convincing clients to
> download the Flash plug in!
> Patrick

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  Re: FLASH: live sound mixing, Louis L. Gambogi III

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