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Subject: Re: FLASH: Advanced Flash Techniques class coming soon!
From: Laura Mollett
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 01:23:32 +0100

> I've been to a two day class for advanced actionscripting.
> It was pitiful. There is no way to enlighten someone with all of the
> requisite skills for actionscripting in 2 days. Honestly, Branden, with all
> my respect, I don't think a one day class will do it.

Hey Branden,

Why don't you offer these classes on the net? You could run them for longer
than a couple of days, write the textbook that goes with them (heck all the
college profs do that ;), and open the class up to the whole world instead
of just those people in, or able to travel to, your area. I took a couple of
hwg classes and they weren't bad (didn't at all feel like I wasted my
money). But even those aren't taking full advantage of the net - if you've
ever been involved with a multi-user dimension, you can see how easy it'd be
to set up a text-based real-time classroom for full-class interaction, and
an office for one-on-one for the slower students (for classes you really
don't need graphics slowing things down). (I've got an 3-room office with a
secretary like this - soon as I get a little better at actionscripting and
integrating, it'll have some graphics and some flash too :). Anyways, just
like licensing games, this'd be smart marketing because it would expand your
audience to a good percentage of the world, anyway surely better than you
can do locally, and you can sell the same thing over and over (of course,
you're doing that now, but you get my drift, I hope.)

Anyone interested in trying it? I've got the server-side code (the part that
allows people to connect and all) and the ability to create the spaces
(anyone who doesn't understand what this means, feel free to email me
offlist and I'll explain it better), but I'd need server space (somewhere
that can handle a reasonable number of connections at once), and someone
who's much better at marketing than I obviously am.


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  Re: FLASH: Advanced Flash Techniques cla, Louis L. Gambogi III

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