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Subject: RE: FLASH: Advanced Flash Techniques class coming soon!
From: Branden Hall
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 14:02:02 +0100

In response to everything:
First of all, I made the annoucement on the list because I felt people would
be interested to know about the class, since I have been asked if I taught
anything like it before and because its a one-of-a-kind class.

Secondly, as for picking up actionscripting in a day... No, you won't, thats
not what the class is about. The class is being designed as something
totally new, its about techniques for creating flash programs. It teaches a
whole methodology to writing actionscript, from planning to implementation.
So, in short the class is less about syntax and more about how to... think
in actionscript.

Thirdly, as for web-based training, thank you very much for your offer, but
for right now Fig Leaf only offers face-to-face training. With the
exception of a few people, Fig Leaf trainers are mainly developers. We are
lucky enough to have some of the best people in many fields (Flash,
Generator, Dreamweaver, Cold Fusion, Spectra, etc) and many people desire to
learn from these folks. So, quite some time ago Fig Leaf decided to offer
training in those programs that its employees were well known, and
respected experts. This gives our customers a real "insiders" view to those
programs, and gives our developers a wonderful change of pace. In the
future we may begin to offer other teaching over other mediums though, don't
think we haven't thought about it!

Finally, as for a book... well, there will be a couple of really good ones
coming out in a few months ;-)

-= Branden J. Hall
-= Multimedia Developer / Instructor
-= Fig Leaf Software - "We've got you covered!"

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  Re: FLASH: Advanced Flash Techniques cla, Gregg Caines

  Re: FLASH: Advanced Flash Techniques cla, Phillip Kerman

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