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Subject: Re: FLASH: Smart quotes
From: John Dowdell
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 23:02:10 +0100

One other addition to this thread, which I'm sorry I didn't include in my
original post....

If you're trying to specify a character beyond the 128 defined by ASCII
codes, and you wish to avoid that different interpretations that different
computers can give to the same number, then your HTML can use "character
entity" references to unambiguously define the character, rather than its

For instance, you're probably familiar with " " for non-breaking
spaces, or "&" for ampersand. (In case your emailer rendered that, the
text is "&-n-b-s-p-;" and such.)

For smart quotes, the character entity references are "“" and
"”" for left and right curved quotes, respectively. I'm using this
guide now:

The advantage of character entities is that, even if a given browser
doesn't offer curved quotes, it at least knows what the document is trying
to display, and can replace appropriate content.

Side-topic, I know, sorry... just comes up a lot on the web groups, so I
hope it may help save someone here some time later on....


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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  Re: FLASH: Smart quotes, Michael Dunn

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