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Subject: RE: FLASH: Flash .exe for CD ROM
From: Mountain, Mike J
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 11:48:40 +0100

++ BTW, how common is it to be asked to design
++ an "interface" (although it's only one page, but still!!)
++ in one day (8:30am - 3pm)?
++ These people at work drive me insane with requests
++ for Flash Animations, etc. all within 4-8 hour turn around time.
++ Is it just me, or this just incredibly ridiculous?
++ In the words of the "moron" who wanted this
++ "it's ONLY a one page interface! Just like creating a one
++ page Power Point Page!"
++ ...you don't want to know what ran through my mind when it
++ was said...

let me guess, internal projects?.....It sounds too damn familiar. Tight
deadlines, no budget - rushed work......

But you still get it done? Course you do, so do I, so they expect it even
quicker next time....that's why I recycle my projects as often as I can.

Mike M

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