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Subject: Re: FLASH: OT: Windows Media Player and FLASH
From: John Dowdell
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 21:59:11 +0100

At 8:59 AM 5/30/0, Henry Cavillones wrote:
>Where can find the most up to date info on the interaction between flash
>and the asf format?
>Ive checked the main ones===microsoft and Macromedia but the info is
>lessthan informative...im tring to synch up flash with asf video...

There's not much direct interaction, which is why it's hard to find
documentation on such an interaction.... ;-)

If you're trying to send messages between an ActiveX Control and the Flash
Player, then that's pretty much limited to the IE/Win browsers... on the
Flash end of things you'd use either the outgoing FSCommand or the incoming
Flash Player JavaScript API, and you'd also need to understand the
messaging of the other player, and then piece it together in the browser
with JScript and/or VBScript.


John Dowdell, Macromedia Tech Support, San Francisco CA US
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