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Subject: Re: FLASH: Barneys.com
From: anton angelo
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 22:34:53 +0100

On 31 May 2000, at 13:41, Lisa Broussard wrote:

> agreed!
> boo.com is the perfect example.
> it's cool as all get out,
> but has basically gone out of business...
> form should follow function.

1) I'm enough of an old Bauhaus junkie not to agree.
2) I worked for boo (as a trainer and recruiter) and the reason it
failed wasn't the site. Sure, it needed to develop. The reason it
failed was manyfold. Another ex-colleague, Tristan Louis has written
an *excellent* post-mortem ->


More on topic: as well all know, its not flash that bloats sites, its
flash developers that bloat sites...

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  Re: FLASH: Barneys.com, Sohrab Pirayesh
  Re: FLASH: Barneys.com, Lisa Broussard

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