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Subject: Re: FLASH: overlaping countries on map
From: Aaron Cushing
Date: Tue, 03 Nov 1998 16:23:00 +0000 (GMT)

Looks like what you need to do is put all of your buttons on the same layer
in your Flash file.
(a note: I zoomed in, and it looks like you should pay closer attention to
where you place your fills and how you trace each country--unless you plan
to dump the bitmap version of the map)

Aaron Cushing Multimedia Developer
Crescent Studios We Deliver!
-----Alexandre Zielinskyj wrote:-----
The problem is that some countries overlap the information of other country
(this is harder to
explain than checking, sorry for the english).
Could you chek this and tell if there is a simple way of correcting this?
The URL is:

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