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Subject: Re: FLASH: Transitions
From: Marc Hoffman
Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 18:19:43 +0000 (GMT)

At 09:54 AM 11/3/98 +0000, you wrote:
>I have a problem that seems quite simple but I can't find any way to solve
>The thing is; I have some pages in my movie, like a web site, and a
>navigation bar at the bottom where you can jump to whatever page you want.
>When you leave a page the elements of the page fades and moves away, and
>then the elements of the next page becomes visible.
>Do I have to do a separate transition for each combination af pages or can
>I have one 'fade down' and one 'fade up' section for each page that plays
>when called?. Is there any way to 'play then goto'? If so, I could play the
>'fade up' section of page 1 and then play the 'fade up' section of whatever
>page the user wants to go to.
>Must be a common problem...

Hi John.

There are several ways to do this. I think your simplest bet is to put
each page in its own movie clip. The first frame should be blank and
labeled "park," with a "stop" frame action. The second frame should loop
back to the first. Then there will be a fade-in, a stop action, and a
fade-out. Label each of these these key frames. Give each movie clip an
instance name (double-click it on stage and fill out the instance name box
[PC]). Use one set of navigation buttons on the main timeline, one button
per page. Now, each button must tell EVERY instance to go to the next
frame. If a clip is parked, it will loop back to park. If a clip is
stopped between fade-in and fade-out, it will move ahead (put a "play"
action in the next frame) to fade-out (after fade-out there should be an
action to loop it back to Park). Additionally, each page button should
TellTarget its specific page to go to the fade-in frame. This button
action should be placed last in the list of actions.

I know this requires a lot of hand coding, but I think it will work fine.
My only uncertainty is whether there will be a conflict where the same
button action tells the clip being called to go to park and then to go to
fade-in. The nice thing about this scheme is the buttons stay the same on
your whole timeline. You can make copies of your first page movie clip and
just rename them, substitute the new page text, put it on stage and give it
an instance name.

An alternative is to put the navigation buttons in every clip. This means
fewer tell-targets.

Tip: put each clip on its own layer. Especially since the clips start out
empty, this will make it easier to select each one for editing (lock all
other layers and "select all"). Also remember a movie clip must exist
continuously on the timeline (even if it's parked invisibly); exiting the
frame(s) where it occurs, and then re-entering them, will cause it to reset
to the first frame.

You can also put every page in its own movie and load them in different
levels. In that case you probably want your buttons replicated in every

Marc Hoffman
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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  FLASH: Transitions, John Ardelius

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