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Subject: FLASH: Director7 vs. Flash4
From: james
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 15:39:50 GMT

<flame_suit = "activated">

Ok, I'm looking into Director to examine it's
possibilities. I've purchased the Demystifying
Director 7 book to help guide me along. As I go
through it, I'm not finding much where I say "oh, I
can't do that with Flash..." or, if anything, it seems
more difficult with Director - like server-side
database connectivity.

Now, I haven't looked into the dynamic
variable/creation side of things, and maybe that's
where the true power is. But all these Xtra's that
are required and the money you have to pay for them
seems rather annoying and not a good fit for my needs.

Perhaps I'm missing something. Could someone
enlighten me on the *major* differences between Flash
and Director? Or, is there a comparison chart

I'm mainly looking to create high-end, interactive
database apps on the web, loads of dynamic
variables/graphics/etc, and probably some intense,
synchronized sound and video apps. Which video can be
embedded into Director - woohoo!

Anyway, any information would be greatly appreciated
and maybe some insight into the future of
flash/director as well. I'd rather not spends months
learning one app only to find I really need to be
looking or could have used another app.

Thanks in advance! And please don't flame me for
missing the obvious...

<flame_suit = "de-activated">


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  Re: FLASH: Director7 vs. Flash4, David Connolly
  Re: FLASH: Director7 vs. Flash4, oliver b�hm
  RE: FLASH: Director7 vs. Flash4, Judy Miller

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