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Subject: RE: FLASH: micro pacer site check
From: King McCarthy
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 17:24:04 GMT


Nice site (though I think you forgot the // in your link below). Extremely
nice graphics and sound. It did take me a minute to figure out the shoe
build navigation, but maybe I'm just slow. Also, I never knew when the
presentation was over. Where I should go. How to get out of it. I ended
up going into areas I had already been. Just my thoughts.

I never did go to the auk site. Was I supposed to be redirected there?

I want a pair of shoes for my analysis. I'll check the mail...


-----Original Message-----
From: owneratchinwag [dot] com [owneratchinwag [dot] com]On">mailto:owneratchinwag [dot] com]On Behalf Of Ian Fish
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 9:07 AM
To: 'flasheratchinwag [dot] com'
Subject: FLASH: micropacer site check

Hi everyone,

My lurking days have come to an end... cause you guessed it, I'm having a
teething problems with my first flash site.
I have used Colin Moock's no-script version 4 flash detection (thanks
Colin). I
have had reports of some people not seeing anything, while others are having
problems. I am accessing ok using PC with IE4, IE5 and NN4.5, 56 and 33k
I have spoken to the hosts, they say all is ok, but can you believe it, the
person I spoke to didn't have Flash installed on either IE or NN!!
The site is at http:www.micropacer.com This domain name redirects to
http:www.typical.co.uk Some people cannot see the micropacer site, but can
the typical site!
First, can anyone see the site?
Second, what should I be looking for as a potential cause of the problem?
Third, what do you think of the site?


Ian Fish

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  FLASH: micropacer site check, Ian Fish

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