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Subject: RE: FLASH: site check v2
From: Mountain, Mike J
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 09:46:49 GMT

Liked the Gateway site, a nice clean interface (although I'm not a big fan
of having to hover over every button to see where it goes....but it seems to
be a current trend.)

One thing though...I'd make the loop in the music a little longer as it gets
repetative far too quickly!



-----Original Message-----
From: boutross boutross ghali [ ghandiatstart [dot] com [dot] au (mailto:ghandiatstart [dot] com [dot] au)
<ghandiatstart [dot] com [dot] au (mailto:ghandiatstart [dot] com [dot] au)> ]
Sent: 11 November 1999 08:20
To: flasher-digestatchinwag [dot] com
Subject: FLASH: site check v2

can some one please check out my latest site and tell me if the
navigation bar needs to be reworked

its a graphic design project on the redesign of Gateway

email me directly please
as i dont have much time to sift through the bulk of these emails

http://gatewaycowboy.cjb.net <http://gatewaycowboy.cjb.net>

also i need comments on

http://300dpi.cjb.net <http://300dpi.cjb.net>

before i start reworking that one
again just email me if its possible

thanks all this amiling list is a great help


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