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Subject: FLASH: Text making big flash files
From: vachon
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 22:52:36 GMT

Does Flash handle text less elegantly than it does other vectors?

My client asked for a piece to advertise a private financial website--
lots of columns of boring figures.

I made screen captures of 6 pages from the website. Then I
overlaid them with brightly colored animated explanatory text. It
looked great, but of course the bitmaps of the website are sharp
only when the window is at the original size. The client asked if the
screengrabs can be any sharper.

Since the original website is all text and numbers, I was able to
easily recreate these 6 pages in Flash. I did this and discarded the
bitmaps. No good! The .swf size is somewhat smaller (102kb vs.
168kb) but the animation is now unacceptably jerky and slow,
particularly when these big blocks of text are moving.

Are there any special tricks when working with lots of text?

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  Re: FLASH: Text making big flash files, asaf3

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