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Subject: FLASH: Flash and lingo
From: Anil Hamal
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 13:20:43 GMT

How strong is actionscript compared to Lingo....
===This is on scence 1===
.Lately I was playing with actionscript....
on my intro....I have a movieclip..(layerB) .on top of this (layer C )..has
script, which duplicates movie several times...
which give cool effect of trail with div. alpha., plus on ( layerD)..I have just
simple movie clip which loops.
on ( layerA) I have a movieclip which has preloader script
if everything is loaded it ahould go to secnce 2.......

I dunno if everybody understand what I mean.....if you have time..would like to
see what i mean....please mail me at [dot] [dot] [dot] [dot] anil_hamalathotmail [dot] com
I will send you my fla file....

my first question...

---- when everything is loaded...it does jumps to scence2 but it takes movie
from (layerD))..with it .
---- I know how to create preloader..this loads only objects from scence 2
....I am using lot of scene...how do I make them load all at one time?

How do I say in Flash...like in lingo
------- on enterFrame me-----------
global "text"

thanks.........any tips will be helpful

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