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Subject: Re: FLASH: Not all clients care about all platforms (and not all clients [or designers] are very smart, either)
From: John Brzys
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 13:56:53 GMT

> "Mr. Client, by excluding the [name] platform/browser, are you aware you
> are deeming to exclude purported [value] percent of Internet users, or,
> more importantly, exclude and alienate [value] million potential patrons?"

Actually it was more like "The macintosh OS does not do a very good job
supporting these specific java applets and WebTV does not support them at

These and the fact that there are several Word, Excel, and Powerpoint docs
from the site. A simple VBScript or JScript detection will not make a
difference here.


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  Re: FLASH: Not all clients care about al, Frederico

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