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Subject: FLASH: Branden Halls Sparks demo...
From: Justin Yahnke
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 23:18:09 GMT

First off, Branden, thanks a ton for making this cool little demo available
(and the other inifinite amount of info you've given out on this list! You're
a hero.)

I've been spending some time dissecting Branden's Sparks demo to help me
figure out actionscript. I'm a coder (C,Perl,Lingo,CF...)/artist and have
been picking up flash over the last month or so on a clients request.

I'm having a few questions I'm hoping Branden or someone else can answer
for me...

I understand how the m-draggie/b-makespark thing works, following the cursor
and duplicating/initializing the m-flyspark MC. From there, I can't figure
out where M-controller comes into play. I can tell from the scripting in
M-controller that it is what advances the animation, so it seems to me that
M-controller is part of each `spark' - am I right? If not, how is
M-controller called or executed for each spark? That and why are there two
frames in M-controller?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out. Branden, thanks again for
your generosity.


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  RE: FLASH: Branden Halls Sparks demo..., Branden Hall

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