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Subject: Re: FLASH: Let me rephrase my question about Flash and Director
From: Michael Penne
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 21:58:34 GMT

If you want to impress your boss quickly, go with
flash;-). For web page work, flash is better: greater
penetration of the player, easier download of the
plug-in (if you redirect to the somewhat hidden flash
4 rather than the shockmachine junk), and shorter
learning curve. Director is a much deeper program, but
better suited to application development than adding
spice/interactivity to web pages. Being said, if your
work involves creating _applications_ (or
presentations involving alot of photos) for
CD/intranet/internet delivery _and_ if your boss is
willing to wait for you to come up to speed in
Director (between 1 mo and 1 year depending on the
speed and your own horsepower;-), then get Director.

--- "Cordaro, Vince" <VCordaroatycsd [dot] york [dot] va [dot] us> wrote:
> If I learn Director in and out is there anything
> that Flash can do that
> Director can't. I am just woundering
> which one is better to learn indepth. Work is
> willing to buy one of them.
> Which one should I get? I guess I am
> going to buy a book tomorrow on Director 7. It
> seems like a pretty
> difficulty piece of software to learn the in's and
> out's of. Which one would you learn first Flash or
> Director. I know most
> of the basics in Flash. Work would like to have
> iteractive forms and chat
> rooms among other things. Should I go with
> Director?
> Thanks for all the help...I know how agrivating it
> can be helping out a
> newbie.
> Vince
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