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Subject: Re: FLASH: Importing text from file
From: 2Nerotik
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 09:32:02 GMT

Enlargement on explanation seen.

Create text box in flash movie to display your text.

Click on the type tool and click on the button that says "abc"
Choose your font, color for the font, text alignment, etc. as well.

Make the box the size you want to display the text in.

Right click on the text box, select properties and set up the
box, change the variable name if you wish to use a different
name, if you like the white background them keep the first
checkbox checked otherwise uncheck it so see the background
of the movie.

If you've chosen a specific font to use then select "...all font outlines"

I can't remember specifically what it says, it's either use all font outlines
or keep all font outlines... whatever you get the idea.

Now choose how you want the text to be put into the box.
---> Actions
~~~~~> Load/Unload Movie
=========> Action: Load variables into location
=========> URL: enter the text file name here... ie. foo.txt
=========> Location: Target (leave blank)
=========> Variables: Don't Send

Now this can either be put into a KeyFrame or a Button

The Text file


The text file should contain the variable used in the text box.
ie. variableFoo=foo this stuff stinks

Now if you want lines breaks where you want them to be the add %0 (percent
zero) to
the end of the lines

ie variableFoo=foo this stuff %0

will give you:
foo this stuff

ie variableFoo=foo this stuff %0

will give you:
foo this stuff


If using the %0 in the text file always upload the file as a Binary file,
never a ASCII file, as this an ASCII upload will negate the %0 as if it
wasn't there.


Now I'm going to bed =c)

At 09:37 AM 11/22/99 +0100, Dirk Dulfer wrote:
>Hello there,
>I want to import text from an ordinary text file. That way I only have to
>update the text file instead of opening, altering and recompiling the movie.
>Is this possible ???
>Dirk Dulfer

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  Re: FLASH: Importing text from file, unique

  FLASH: Importing text from file, Dirk Dulfer

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