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Subject: FLASH:Thanksgiving
From: Kevin Jackson
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 20:23:04 GMT

Well here in the states we are approaching the Holiday of Thanksgiving.
Apologize for this being somewhat off-topic but (indulge me please) I
thought there were some thanks in order. First to Sam, the guy who seems to
get mentioned only in complaints about the list but without whose efforts
there would be no place to post the complaints; to JC who is always there to
assist anyone regardless of skill level; to "Mickey Live" who spreads the
word about one hell of a group of products; to Frederico, who is the Mac
answer to JC with his willingness to help those in need; to this list and a
great group of people who (most of the time) are better than most of the
people that I meet in the rest of my day; to Eric Wittman, who I just got
off the phone with, who I found to be intelligent and willing to hear what
one person thought to improve the product- a great representative for any
company; and finally to Macromedia for continuing to push the envelope.

Hope everyone has a great holiday.

I now cede the balance of my time to get back to your regularly scheduled

Kevin Jackson
Triskelian Design
kjacksonattriskelian [dot] com

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