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Subject: RE: FLASH: <OT> Need Disk Recovery Utility
From: Mr. Intr3pid
Date: Sat, 27 Nov 1999 03:14:21 GMT

Get Lost and Found from PowerQuest. I've tried both tiramisu and L&F.
Tiramisu isn't worth the price you're gonna pay for it. As PowerQuest says,
as long as the disk is spinning, you have a fair chance of recovering your

None of the programs guarantees the preservance of full file integrity
though. So you might run into an .exe file being reported as corrupt by

>From your description of the disk's symptoms, it seems like you've simply
lost the file allocation tables in Windows (or DOS). Can DOS find the disk
at all? Here is what I recommend before you go delve into the lost space.
Check your disk's FAT using "fdisk" commands in DOS. If you are able to
locate the lost FATs through fdisk, you'll be able to get the disk back up
and running in no time. Using a recovery software to revive lost data is
always the last resort, not the first one.

Feel free to get back to me on this if you have any questions.

-----Original Message-----
From: owneratchinwag [dot] com [owneratchinwag [dot] com]On">mailto:owneratchinwag [dot] com]On Behalf Of Chris
Sent: Friday, November 26, 1999 7:30 PM
To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
Subject: RE: FLASH: <OT> Need Disk Recovery Utility

tiramisu is the best thing out there. Don't try anythign else, the nortons,
etc, will ruin any chance of recovery. It's not free, though.

Chris Mason
Box 340, The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies
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-----Original Message-----
From: owneratchinwag [dot] com [owneratchinwag [dot] com]On">mailto:owneratchinwag [dot] com]On Behalf Of Marc
Hoffman, Poison Dart Frog Media
Sent: Friday, November 26, 1999 6:59 PM
To: flasheratchinwag [dot] com
Subject: FLASH: <OT> Need Disk Recovery Utility

Anyone have a good hard disk recovery program to recommend? After years of
good luck, I had a hard disk crash (PC) with lots of files that will be
missed. Some of them are probably backed up (somewhere!) but I'm going to
lose some unless I can restore the hard disk.

I am unable even to look at this disk in Windows, as the disk gets stuck in
seek mode if I so much as open Explorer. It crashed when I tried to erase a
file from within a program's import window. When things froze, I ran Scan
Disk immediately, which found and "fixed" about a dozen problems with
misreported file sizes and files occupying space that should have been
reserved for system files. That was the last access I had to the disk.
Currently I have the drive disconnected, which was the only way not to have
my system hang.

All advice will be most welcome!

Marc Hoffman

Marc Hoffman

marcatdartfrogmedia [dot] com (mailto:marcatdartfrogmedia [dot] com).
My Flash Portfolio: <http://www.dartfrogmedia.com/sampler>
(featured in Flash 3 Web Animation, by Ken Milburn)

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  RE: FLASH: <OT> Need Disk Recovery Utili, Chris Mason

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