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Subject: Re: FLASH: Export problem
From: John Croteau
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 18:30:29 GMT

Hi Dave,

> I'm having a problem with exporting flash to a bmp sequence.
> My flash movie is full of MC symbols and for some reason they don't appear
> when I export them to a bmp sequence or avi movie.
> All I get are the frames in the origional time line.
> The only solution I can find is to scrap all my MC's and have everything
> in the same timeline. (very messy)
Making a single timeline version of the movie may not be all that
difficult if you convert your MCs behaviors to Graphic and allow enogh
empty frames following each MC to play out on the main timeline.

> My problem is that I need to send this flash movie to an Apple Avid edit suite
> for insertion into a program for TV. They need Quicktime3 or a pict sequence.
Not uncommon.
There is an alternate solution that may work, but even then your
animation needs to be straight line.

I haven't had time to try this but Bryan Rieger has used the following
technique to prevent reworking MCs:
We exported from Flash 4 as a QuickTime file (v4). In QT with movie
paused at the start - and then opened the Flash file in QuickTime 4.
>From their we exported the movie as an image sequence. This trick was
not to play the movie before exporting it. As soon as you play it the
movie clips in Flash won't reset themselves until you close the file and
then reopen it. Exporting the frames right after you open the paused
movie will cause QuickTime to export the animation contained within the
movie clips - not just the first frame.

Coming Soon Flash 4 Web Animation F/X and Design
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John Croteau croteauaterols [dot] com (mailto:croteauaterols [dot] com)
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  FLASH: Export problem, Dave Haughton

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