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Subject: RE: FLASH: a way to open browser from projector file
From: Ricardo Madrazo
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 16:52:34 +0100

>Use FSCommand exec argument browser.bat
>Create a text file with the following text
>START http://www.webcom.co.za
>Save as browser.bat
>Put browser.bat into the *same folder* as the projector and you're set!

OK... sounds easy enough... now, how do I do THAT on a Mac? :-)

Really... is there a way?


Ricardo Madrazo
Tecolote Digital
madrazoatel-tecolote [dot] com (mailto:madrazoatel-tecolote [dot] com)
(525) 530-1870
(525) 639-8460 fax

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  RE: FLASH: a way to open browser from pr, Andrew Timberlake

  FLASH: a way to open browser from projec, Spike Choo
  RE: FLASH: a way to open browser from pr, Andrew Timberlake

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