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Subject: Re: FLASH: loading movies
From: Marc Hoffman
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 22:39:00 +0100

At 03:02 PM 10/11/99 -0400, you wrote:
>hey everyone,
>i'm working on a project where I have 26 pictures (jpegs). when someone
>rolls over a hall, the corresponding picture will be shown. Each picture
>will probably be 10 k so i'm thinking it wouldn't be such a good idea to
>have these pictures load initally because it will be over 250k.
>i'm thinking the alternative is to have each picture be a separate movie
>so when someone rolls over a hall, it will call the load movie function
>and display the picture after it has been loaded.

As I see it, this will subject the visitor to 26 wait periods (up to 5
seconds each on a 28k modem), when you could be preloading the images. I
would try instead to load them all while something else is happening.
Another possibility is that as each image loads the main timeline could be
advanced to where the associated hall becomes available, having been hidden
up to that point in time. If you have each image load on rollover, you
could potentially have 26 movies all trying to load simultaneously, which
will really tie up the user's pipeline!

Marc Hoffman
mailatdartfrogmedia [dot] com (mailto:mailatdartfrogmedia [dot] com)
online flash portfolio: http://www.dartfrogmedia.com/sampler

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  FLASH: loading movies, Anthony Faust

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