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Subject: FLASH: help please
From: Kelly, Michael
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 10:06:10 +0100

This isn't actually related to flash but you seem like a very knowledgable
bunch of people and i'm screwed. I have written some web pages involving asp
etc that is used as a reporting system, we also have links to other sites
like SMH and AFR and the white pages etc, but i always have it divided into
two frames, the top one being a thin 20px high frame containg our logo and
options involving our pages. The bigger frame represents the other page.
Upon entering the home page of my site, if you were to choose to go to any
of the other sites on the page and then upon reaching that site decided to
come back, pressing the back button would not take you to my home site, it
would completely skip the home site and go back to whatever site was before
the home site.
can anyone one tell me why it does this and how i can stop it?

Mick Kelly
Mob: 0412 472 352

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  Re: FLASH: help please, marcpidoux

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