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Subject: FLASH: ActionScript bugs in IE/Mac and NS/Win!
From: Jonathon Wolfe
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 04:35:38 +0100

Has anyone else noticed problems with inter-level communication between
movies in Flash 4 on Internet Explorer/mac and Netscape/win?
Unfortunately, I think I've found some bugs buried deep in the system.

I'm working on a large site which relies heavily on loading movies into
different levels and then having them communicate (i.e. checking and
setting variables between _level0, _level1, _level2, etc.). In my tests,
the Flash player app on the mac, Netscape on the mac, and Internet
Explorer on windows all work correctly, but IE on the mac and Netscape on
windows both exhibit the same bugs, which seem to be slow and inconsistent
communication between the .swf's on different levels.

Here are the platforms I've tested so far:
-IE 5 w/Flash ActiveX Control v 4.0.13 -- works fine
-Netscape 4.7 w/Flash plugin v4.0 r13 -- doesn't work

-IE 4.5 w/Flash plugin v4.0r14 -- doesn't work
-Netscape 4.61 w/Flash plugin v4.0 r14 -- works fine
-Flash Player Application v4.0 -- works fine

Note that both IE and Netscape on the mac use the exact same plugin but
work differently! Btw, all my tests are being done with content on the
machine's hard drive.

Here is an example of some inter-level communication which is failing for
me in mac IE and windows Netscape but working flawlessly everywhere else.
The idea is for the controller movie to load another movie containing an
image and to tell that second movie where to position itself and to fade
the image in once it's done preloading.

Controller movie (_level1000):
Frame 4: Load Movie (ImageMovieUrl, 1001)
Frame 5: nothing
Frame 6: nothing
Frame 7: If(_level1001:Status = 2) <<Status=2: preloading is done
Set Variable: "_level1001:Status" = 3 <<Status=3:fade in
Set Variable: "_level1001:X" = 464
Set Variable: "_level1001:Y" = 232
End If
Frame 8: Go To and Play(_currentframe - 1)

Image movie (_level1001):
Frame 1: Set Variable: "Status" = 1
Frame 2: nothing
Frame 3: If (Status = 3) <<fade in when set to 3
Go to and Play (_currentframe + 1)
Set Variable: "Status" = 2 <<says preloading's done
Set Variable: "X" = 0
Set Variable: "Y" = 0
Go to and Play (_currentframe - 1)
End If
Frame 4: Set Property ("Pic", X Position) = X
Set Property ("Pic", Y Position) = Y <<Pic has a .jpg in it

I know that's convoluted, but you have to do convoluted stuff in Action
Script to make sure things are synchronized. On the problem platforms
mentioned above, it takes the image movie a hell of a long time to fade
in, and when it does, it often appears at its default position (without
the updated x and y positions). on the other platforms, it appears on time
and in the correct spot, always.

My guess is that the messaging behind the if(_level*:*) and Set Variable:
"_level*:*" instructions isn't working correctly on these platforms and my
movies are looping for a long time before the variables finally are
updated, albeit incorrectly.

Well, thanks for reading this far. If anybody (especially from Macromedia)
can make sense of this inconsistency I'll be very grateful, since this is
a rather show-stopping bug for my site.

Thanks in advance,

Jonathon Wolfe
kolossusatpacbell [dot] net

P.S: shouldn't macromedia have an email address to report bugs to and not
just "Flash_Wishatmacromedia [dot] com" or whatever it's called? Also, there
should be a free phone number to report bugs, since what I need is
definitely not the $125/hour "We'll write a little lingo for you" incident
support that macromedia's web site suggests. Anybody else agree?

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