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Subject: Re: FLASH: text field-scroll
From: Colin Moock
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 17:02:12 +0100

flasheratchinwag [dot] com,Internet writes:
>> By formatting, therefore, (as far as I know) you can't use that and
>> have sentence breaks, paragraphs, a header, change fonts, put
>> things in bold etc.
>Flash has no built-in formatting for text that is imported using Load
>Variables. This formatting could be added with the use of variables that
>define the formatting and code that decodes these instructions.

john, colin here.
it sounds like you are saying there's a method for controlling the
font-style, weight, size, etc. of a single text field variable?

eg. suppose i have a text field variable on the main movie stage called
"var1", and i then execute an action like this:
set variable: "var1" = "hi there my name is colin."

are you saying that while assigning the text "hi there my name is colin" to
var1, i could also make "hi there" bold arial 18 pt, "my" italic, and "name
is colin" times new roman 12 pt in a different colour?

if so, i'd be interested in hearing how.

// sig

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  Re: FLASH: text field-scroll, AL Lyman
  Re: FLASH: text field-scroll, AL Lyman

  Re: FLASH: text field-scroll, AL Lyman
  Re: FLASH: text field-scroll, John Croteau

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