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Subject: Re: FLASH: Paste into Flash?
From: steve shelden
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 00:00:55 +0100

>Flashwriter (avail. from Macromedia) works pretty
>well. After I import a swf exported from AI, I also
>get the group symbols, however I can ungroup it, or
>convert it to a symbol just fine. MacOS 8.6, AI8.
Thanks Michael for responding to my posting. Yes I have tried the new
Flashwriter for Illustrator. After importing the Flashwriter file, I
can edit it and then put in the Library. I created a new layer and
drag it out of the Library, I cannot hide it by clicking under the
Eye symbol. Does this happen with you as well? Since I'm very new at
using Flash, I'm not sure what the downside is for not being able to
hide certain items.

I also pasted in the same image from Illustrator and it looks just
like the one from Flashwriter, I wonder what's the difference. File
size? I do see a color shift with the pasted in version, it's off
from the original.

Is it your understanding, if you draw an image in Illustrator and
import it into Flash using Flashwriter, that there would be no
difference in file size? Since I'm a long time user of Illustrator, I
would rather do all my drawings in Illustrator instead of Flash which
has limited tools. I have heard a lot lately about how you must draw
in Flash to be able to keep the file sizes down, so I'm not sure what
good this Flashwriter is. Have you heard much about the advantages?
They don't seem to have much info at Macromedia's site about it.

Thanks again,

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  Re: FLASH: Paste into Flash?, Michael Penne

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