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Subject: Re: FLASH: Does send variables with Load Movie work?
From: Jon Wadelton ( Creative Factory )
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 01:36:59 +0100

Hi Everyone,

I can't seem to get sending variables with Flash 4 working when using
LoadMovie. I am trying to use a URL which uses a CGI program to generate a
swf file
as its output as the argument to LoadMovie. That works OK and Flash loads
in the new movie, no worries. But when I have the "Variables : Send using
GET" option enabled for Load Movie it does not send any variables ( I am
sure of this because when I look in the server log the request URL is still
the same it doesn't have any ?myvarible=blah etc attached to the end of the
URL ).

The movie just has one frame, with actions like this;

Set Variable: "test" = "something"
Trace (Eval ("test")) <-- there defiantly is a variable set because
it can be traced.
Load Movie ("http://myserver/genswf.cgi", 1, vars=GET)

I have tested from IE 5 and Netscape 4

If can point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.


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