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Subject: FLASH: RE: tell target. my head broke
From: jculloaatstudents [dot] wisc [dot] edu
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 19:36:16 +0100

If you can just use: / as a target to tell timeline to go to a certain label, How to tell timeline to go to other scene from buttons in a movie clip??
for some reason my option to tell it to go t another scene is always ghosted out.



---original messege---

Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 14:52:55 +0100
From: "Cummins, Rob"
Subject: RE: FLASH: tell target. my head broke

> Lets say I put two buttons b1 and b2 in a movieclip A animate them and
> then put movieclip A in movieclip B and animate it.
> then in button b1 I say "tell target" ../ go to label bla.bla. and it wont
> work what do I do?
> I�'we had this problem before but�the answer is stuck in my head....
> somewhere.
Using ../ in tell target is bad news, full stop, the same way it is in HTML.
What you want to do is address all your target locations from the root,
which is done by putting a slash before the target... so if something is in
movie clip A, in level 0, the target would be:


If you wanted it to get the main timeline to play, you could just
use: / as the target.

Sad but true. It's all based on Unix filesystems... seems the Flash
team knew a thing or two about Unix...hmm, funny that.

Hope this helped

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  Re: FLASH: RE: tell target. my head brok, John Croteau

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